About MindScape Press

MindScape Press is a small publisher dedicated to providing overarching stories that are painted across a canvas of science, medicine, technology, or even history. Our stories will interweave high-concepts and blend genres, such as science fiction that is pulled into present-time to form traditional mysteries/thrillers. Premises in our stories will be centered around “what if” scenarios and “what will be the consequences” if an aspect of science, medicine, or technology materializes and falls into the wrong hands. Sometimes the success or failure stakes of characters will be localized and sometimes placed on the grandness of a world stage.

In a fictional sense, the written word is about entertaining a reader. Throughout history, storytellers have told tales of far away places, magical lands, and heroes and heroines that face immense odds.

Our goal is similar: strive to tell a good story with interesting characters and introduce readers to worlds that may be a bit different to their own. Perhaps in the course of their own journey through reading our readers will discover something new about an aspect of science, medicine, or discover a sliver of a historical fact.

“The greatest art in the world is the art of storytelling.” Cecil B. DeMille

“You can make anything by writing.” C.S. Lewis

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